Choosing to Create Ripples of Positivity

green-scene-water-ripplesMost of us have at some point in our lives observed the phenomena of dropping a small pebble into a pool of water and watching the ever widening ripple effect. Ripple effects are all around us and yet despite this they often go un-noticed in our busy lives. It is good to take time to consider how our own behaviours can have ripple effects that may be positive or negative.  There may be many elements in our day that we do not control but we can control our attitude.

Take for example q decision to buy locally produced, pre-cleaned and cut vegetables rather than imported ones. When we buy the imported ones the money goes to the supermarket owner and farmers and food processors somewhere but we have very little idea where. When we purchase the local product then the local farmer has more money to spend, the workers in the local food processing plant stay employed and the local supermarket benefits. The ripple effect of buying local is very extensive and very positive for us all.

Likewise, have you ever got up in the morning and started your day feeling tired and cranky? Then there is no coffee, there are traffic jams and just one negative seems to follow the next.  Indeed the day can ripple out to negative and stressful experiences for the whole day. It can feel like we are attracting all the worlds negativity.   If however in the midst of this we encounter kindness, a kind word of understanding, an offer of a chat and a coffee, it can lift our spirits and a considerably more positive ripple effect can start just as easily as our earlier negative one – but only if we allow it.

There are lots of things that we can do on a day to day basis that can help us to be positive and create positive ripple effects in our immediate environment. Some of my own personal favourites include

Smiling – In particular I always put a smile on my face before I answer the phone which helps ensure that there is a warmth in my voice even if the other person can’t see me. Equally I will smile and say a cheery hello to strangers as I walk down the street. Generally the smile and say hello back. When you looked at the image at the top of this blog did you smile?

Head up and Shoulders back – my posture helps ensure that I breathe properly and helps me feel more confident.

Good Self Care – it would seem obvious but ensuring that I get the basics of a healthy diet and a reasonable about of exercise create the foundation stones for being positive. Added to this is ensuring that I get adequate levels of sleep. Tiredness can be a real drain on positivity.

Random Act of Kindness – I try to do something kind for another person each day that is not expected. It may be family, a neighbour or a stranger that I encounter as I go about my daily activities. It may be a simple as sharing a chat and a cup of coffee. Although I set out to give, I nearly always gain as well.

Spend Time with Other Positive People – I try to avoid complaining and negative people as much as possible and instead engage with others who want to beat the economic doom and gloom and fight back and build the best life I can for myself and my family. If I have to spend time with negative people, I try to ensure that they are followed by positivity as quickly as possible.

There is no denying that positivity and negativity can have very extensive ripple effects in our daily lives. Despite the negatives that we may encounter, we can each take control of our mental attitude and the ripple effect that we create in our immediate environment.   We can choose to work at being positive and create positive experiences for ourselves and those with whom we interact. In this way we can build ever expanding ripples of positivity all around us.

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Mary Corbett is a founder member of  Parenting Club,  author, life and business coach and mother of 2 busy children aged 12 and 17.