Mother’s Day


First of all Happy Mothers day, as in Ireland we celebrate it this weekend.

The concept of mothering Sunday goes back to a different time when there were no automatic washing machines, freezers, microwaves etc.  However the whole idea of taking one day to truly acknowledge the work, efforts and commitment of mothers is as true now as it always was.

While there has been a lot of commericalisation of the day, the simple pleasures of a homemade card, breakfast in bed etc are not to be underestimated.  The emphasis has been on acknowledging our own mothers, our partner as mother, or other sisters,sisters-in law as mothers etc.

It’s a great idea to include children in making presents. Let Dad sits with kids and make something together. Maybe it is breakfast to bed? Or maybe a picture painted by the child and dad can help in writing something?

You can follow your own tradition from your own culture or you can create a new one just for your family. Remember that this day is not only about flowers, presents, breakfast in bed. Make sure that Mother gets the rest she deserves. Maybe surprise her with spa day, or lunch with her girlfriends, or maybe she wants to stay at home on the couch while Dad is taking kids away for some time?

How do you celebrate Mother’s Day?


Aga Schnier is a founder of ParentingClub2014, Mother and Law of Attraction Master Practitioner which she currently uses to promote positive parenting techniques.


Equally important is to take time to acknowledge ourselves as mother