No More School for Summer

schools-outToday is my youngest child’s last day in primary school. As I write this she is excited, sad, happy, and probably a half a dozen other emotions as well.

As for me – I am feeling proud and old… I have spent 13 years going up and down to that school and I have no idea where the years have gone.

So today I do expect to get emotional, I do expect a few tears, I do expect to be distracted most of the day it is the end of an era.

As for my daughter – I have in the past days been given an insight into what is ahead of me. She and the other 3 girls in her class have organised Pizza in one house, then shopping (I’m the driver) then swimming and messing in a garden pool. She really will sort her social life and I just hope that I will be kept in the loop !

This is so different from her older brother -who at the same age only wanted sport and food at home.

So to any parent, reading this who has reached a milestone in their child’s life – take the time to appreciate it and acknowledge what you have achieved. As for me I am heading to the coffee shop for a large cappucino between school drop and pick up ..heaven!

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