Time after time

time-managementI was talking to a friend lately and she asked me what is the best piece of and advice I would give to a new Mom.

There are so many things which came to my mind. To be honest I could talk for hours, however having a 2 year old  at home there was only one thing on my mind…TIME.

Time is not relevant for a child, time has no meaning. A toddler play so much that she is lost in her activity, she wants to build a tower and nothing else matters. Children do not care about time and why would they?

As adults we are obsessed with time and its limitation, so my advise was to spend time with your child. Do not get distracted by errands, cleaning, cooking. Sit on the floor and let the child guide you what to do. Put away a watch, mobile phone, enjoy the precious time.

Kids grow up too fast and very soon they won’t be willing to spend that time with us, they have their own friends, secrets. So spend as much time now as you can.

Chloe, my daughter, is obsessed with playing hide and seek. She can play at any time of the day. She doesn’t care if a time says go to bed or go for a walk. So what do we do? We give her a number. She can hide 3 times and then it is time to got to bed, or to go outside. What did we gain by doing so? Piece and quiet. Because as funny as it sounds toddler can comprehend numbers but not time in general.

So coming back to my friend’s question. Spend quality time with your child. It is better to spend 30 minutes a day with your child and give her 100% of your attention, rather than being an entire day with them and not having time to properly play with your children.

After hearing that my friend said to me that I am the first person who actually gave her an useful tip as she understood it is ok to take time away from your kids to rest and do her own thing to recharge the battery in order to spend quality time with her children.

I would give that advice to anyone. Even though time concept is irrelevant for a child, what they need the most is us giving them our undivided attention.

What is your golden advice to new Mums out there?

Aga Schnier is a founder of ParentingClub2014, Mother and Law of Attraction Master Practitioner which she currently uses to promote positive parenting techniques.

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