Precious moments

IMG_5464It was my conscious decision to be a stay-at-home Mum. We were aware that money can be tight at times, however we wanted to spend the most essential years being around kids.

I am not judging other people decisions. This is simply my approach and experience.

When Chloe was born, she became my entire universe. I had to admit I was a mother hen. At the same time, I made sure my husband doesn’t feel abandoned. Since her birth he was the one bathing her, singing and reading to her. As most parents say our world has change completely. We had this tiny creature fully depended on us. At the same time, I was thinking that I don’t want to put he in any daycare, creche as I want to see every milestones, I want to know every bump and scar. No one knows my child as well as me. I know her character, what she likes and dislikes, her favourite toy at the time and what she really needs at given time.

When our son was born, I had to leave her for few days. As much as I was excited about our new bundle of joy I was also thinking about my almost 16 month old daughter without me. And guess what? She was perfectly happy with her Dad.

After coming home I treasured every moment with my 2 kids. At the same time I realised that it is ok, to leave them for few hours with their Dad and do something for myself.

I consider myself extremely lucky to have the best of both. Spending time with my children and having flexible working hours.

I am still responsible for their development, their knowledge. It is my decision what they watch, read, play with. I am more easy going now knowing that soon they will go out to the world. I am so much more confident that they will succeed in life, not because I am a stay-at-home Mum, but because I believe I am building their self-esteem by letting them be who they are. Yes, I do get tired, frustrated and annoyed, but we are learning to overcome those obstacles and we become more tolerant about each other needs.

Being at home with my kids helped me to realise what is really important and what I want for my family and for my kids. No matter what the future brings I know that I gave my children (in my opinion) the best of their early years…my undivided attention and the importance of being together.

P/S. The picture shows my family during our beach walk 🙂


Aga Schnier is a founder of ParentingClub2014, Mother and Law of Attraction Master Practitioner which she currently uses to promote positive parenting techniques.

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